Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why do I want to be a vet???

When I was child I dreamed to be a pediatrician, because I like this area of medicine, but with the time left this option because I don't like look pain in the persons, moreover personal experience changed my opinion.
Then in my school I could to visit other faculty and I like beauchef and your civil engineering in biotechnology beacuse I like the investigation and the maths, but I don't like physics and I like the biology of the other type of job where can have more relation with poeple or animal, also this area didn't give confidence in the job.
In this time ever like veterinary, but I believed that I would not have work, but I decide this career for my parents, they supported this and motivated my dream, wherover I like the animal and I dicovered that veterinary has very areas where can work.
My experience in this university is good, I love my faculty, is very nice and the natural environment is the best quality, but with the movilitation this semester isn't normal, this is very heavy, but I believe that the others semester will be better.
When I leave the university I want work in public healt, for this I must take subject about this area, this like me beacuse I like the investigation and the epidemiology, the illness and your prevention, but only the time can say me that is the correct.


  1. Hi Daniel!
    Public health is an area of much research, besides being an area that blends human medicine to veterinary medicine is very interesting and entertaining.
    If you like also research the area of public health requires that a lot.


  2. that sounds interesting as the decisions come into our lives that good that you like what you are studying ...:)
