Monday, January 16, 2012

My favorite website

In true I not use very much the internet, I only visit U-cursos, gmail or Facebook, altough I can have the netbook turn on all the day, but I often visit websity that attract my interest with a nice picture or interesting news. One of this websity is BBC mundo.
This pages interesting my because ever publish a attractives picture of the animal or the word. Also the news are very good and especial, this are short but with rich in contents, for this I like read a some news and look the picture.
This page have a lot sections. Here can find from international section and economics, technology, health and other section, but my favorites section are science and curiosity.
In the section of sciencie I can read about a new discovery about biology, zoology or veterinary science, with a new species, new illnes or study with a future projection.
This pages like me because is a innovative with the contents and can read a lot of news in a short time. Moreover I like saw picture and photo about the nature and the animal, and in this page i usually can look a new photos, this is the principal reason for visit this page.
Also can look a picture about stars and the universe, and although I don't like study this area, the colors and form of this picture create a lot curiosity in me.
I visit this page once a week, when I have time and I not have that study and have use this page for one year. 


  1. I also the most visited websites are fecebook, gmail and u-cursos! jaja
    I think the science section is very interesting, when I can visit her.


  2. this is a very interesting site and very recommendable to visit :)

  3. I visit the website and I see a beautifull pictures about insects, really good. I like it! In general is very interesting. (:
