Thursday, January 26, 2012

summer holidays!!!

I WANT HOLIDAYS NOW!!! jkjkajka, the true is that I want arrive the 3ª of february and finish this semester, because have been very tired. I work very much for not give recuperaty test and this job have given result. But in march have a 2 test and must study for this, althogh I want relax and sleep very much.
When I was child. I used travel for the south or Chile, I went where my uncle in Los angeles, and in this place I travelled towards Valdivia, Chiloe or Pucon. I love the south and in my summer I loved the nature and swing in the river or lake.
In this place I discovered my love for the animals, I like went to country and saw the sheep and wild animals. Ever took a photograph of nature or the landscape, for this I like all the green (plants, tree, grass, etc)
Also in the south ever had a good food, between bread, milk, meat or similiar food very good.
Now in this summer, I maybe travel for the south with my parents, but before this I go to beach with my friends as soon as finish the class, I go to central coastal, specifically the beach of  Las Cruzes, I will go for 4 day and relax and enjoy with my friends, we need a rest.
Also in this summer holiday I planing visit more my girlfriends, because with the class is very difficult visit her, moreover I must study histologic and anatomy, but I not use all the time in this, never! the first prioriti is rest.
If I could choose my dreams summer holidays. I would like have a trailer and travel for all the south or Chile and enjoy all it beauty.

Monday, January 16, 2012

My favorite website

In true I not use very much the internet, I only visit U-cursos, gmail or Facebook, altough I can have the netbook turn on all the day, but I often visit websity that attract my interest with a nice picture or interesting news. One of this websity is BBC mundo.
This pages interesting my because ever publish a attractives picture of the animal or the word. Also the news are very good and especial, this are short but with rich in contents, for this I like read a some news and look the picture.
This page have a lot sections. Here can find from international section and economics, technology, health and other section, but my favorites section are science and curiosity.
In the section of sciencie I can read about a new discovery about biology, zoology or veterinary science, with a new species, new illnes or study with a future projection.
This pages like me because is a innovative with the contents and can read a lot of news in a short time. Moreover I like saw picture and photo about the nature and the animal, and in this page i usually can look a new photos, this is the principal reason for visit this page.
Also can look a picture about stars and the universe, and although I don't like study this area, the colors and form of this picture create a lot curiosity in me.
I visit this page once a week, when I have time and I not have that study and have use this page for one year. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why do I want to be a vet???

When I was child I dreamed to be a pediatrician, because I like this area of medicine, but with the time left this option because I don't like look pain in the persons, moreover personal experience changed my opinion.
Then in my school I could to visit other faculty and I like beauchef and your civil engineering in biotechnology beacuse I like the investigation and the maths, but I don't like physics and I like the biology of the other type of job where can have more relation with poeple or animal, also this area didn't give confidence in the job.
In this time ever like veterinary, but I believed that I would not have work, but I decide this career for my parents, they supported this and motivated my dream, wherover I like the animal and I dicovered that veterinary has very areas where can work.
My experience in this university is good, I love my faculty, is very nice and the natural environment is the best quality, but with the movilitation this semester isn't normal, this is very heavy, but I believe that the others semester will be better.
When I leave the university I want work in public healt, for this I must take subject about this area, this like me beacuse I like the investigation and the epidemiology, the illness and your prevention, but only the time can say me that is the correct.